Finding love is never easy. But, if you have found love in the company of another person, then you will surely want to keep it forever. Maintaining a happy relationship can be tricky, especially for adults with ADHD. Luckily for you, we have listed several tips to follow in keeping the love burning alive.

- Seek Professional Help
It is important to remember that love is not enough to save your relationship. After all, love itself will not help you or your partner with ADHD manage your condition. If you haven’t consulted a professional about your state, then it is best to do it immediately.
Several benefits are available when you seek the help of a professional. Not only will they teach you skills in managing your condition, but they can also prescribe you helpful medications. “The best treatment for adults with attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is based on a multimodal, multidisciplinary approach, which includes medication and psychotherapy (and/or ADHD coaching),” Margarita Tartakovsky, M.S. says.
Before seeking treatment, discuss among yourselves what kind of treatment you need and how much it will cost. Therapy for ADHD is not a one-fits-all-kind of thing; it will depend on the needs of the individual.
- Manage Your Symptoms
While treatment will help you control your condition, you must take ownership of your ADHD. It will not help your relationship if you use your condition as an excuse for things that you have control over. You need to take several steps to manage your condition.

For example, one major complaint of people who have relationships with people with ADHD is their partner’s inability to listen. For people with ADHD, listening to others is indeed a major challenge, but that doesn’t mean it isn’t possible. It is essential you and your partner with ADHD practice your listening skills. You might want to practice using this simple exercise. “Key skills such as planning, prioritizing, time management, goal persistence, sustained attention, emotional control, motivation, judgment, and self-awareness simply take longer for ADHD brains to develop, and that process is uneven,” Sharon Saline Psy.D. wrote.
- Be Reminded Of The Good Things
During the dark times of your relationship, it may be quite tempting just to give up and walk away. At times like this, it is essential to be reminded of the good things in your relationship. “People with Adult ADHD may be more prone to rumination due to difficulty shifting gears,” Scott Shapiro M.D. points out. Remind yourself of the times when your partner complimented you or helped you through your episodes.
But, it is not enough to remember the good times. You and your partner must learn to accept imperfections. As humans, everyone has their own set of shortcomings. You and your partner must learn to accept these imperfections instead of being critical of them.
- Talk, Not Fight
Conflicts will always put any relationship to the test. To keep your relationship afloat, you and your partner must learn how to resolve your relationships properly. And the first thing that you should master in conflict resolution is communication.

In communication, you and your partner must remember that both of you are teammates, not rivals. An honest and open form of communication will help you and your partner. Don’t forget that fact. Every day, try to make an effort to check in with your partner, no matter what kind of situation you are in. This simple action will help you be more open and honest with each other.
Other than that, it is essential to master a “forgive and forget” mindset in conflict resolutions. Make it a habit of burying the hatchet every time you and your partner resolve your conflicts. If you or your partner always bring up every single mistake that has happened, then your relationship will quickly become toxic.
Do you have some tips that saved your relationship? If so, feel free to share them in the comments!