Alternative Treatments To ADHD




Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is a behavioral and mental condition that generally affects young children and adults alike. It is characterized by hyperactive behavior, lack of focus and concentration, and problems with retaining memories. The most common and widely accepted treatment modalities for ADHD include cognitive-behavioral therapy, psychotherapy, and pharmacological management.

Are there other treatments aside from the usual and customary procedures for ADHD? This is definitely a question worth asking since there are a wide variety of answers that people offer such as… professional counseling, a modified diet, talking to people already diagnosed anonymously (which has its pros and cons), natural elements, medication, physical activity, and more.

This article will present alternative treatments for ADHD and will discuss their relation to improving its symptoms.

Before you proceed, please ask your doctor first about these treatments and seek their advice.


Increase fiber intake

Although it was already confirmed by research that sugar does not cause ADHD per se, increased sugar intake in children could lead to hyperactivity and hypervigilance due to the increased release of adrenaline after sugar is absorbed in the body. Now, this does not suggest that children should be deprived of sugar or sweets in their diet, but you can add more fiber instead to maintain the blood sugar level in a steady state. Examples of food that you can incorporate are fruits and veggies, oatmeal, or wheat bread. “If you’re new to eating high-fiber foods, it’s best to start by gradually adding fiber to your diet and increasing your water intake. Fiber absorbs water, so the more fiber you add to your diet, the more fluids you should drink,” Robert Segal, M.A. and co-author, explains.

Load up on your protein

Another study stated that increasing protein intake, especially in the morning, will help the child or adult focus more on their tasks and activities. Protein also helps keep blood sugar levels at bay, thus decreasing the chances of hyperactivity during the day. “Because the body makes brain-awakening neurotransmitters when you eat protein, start your day with a breakfast that includes protein,” says Laura Stevens, M.S.



Omega-3 wonder

Fish like tuna, salmon, and sardines are rich in Omega-3 oil, which is believed to help improve brain and nerve cell function. In the case of ADHD, researchers consider that by including omega-3 in one’s diet, the ability to regenerate brain cells is possible, thus improving mental focus. “Omega-3s can improve several aspects of ADHD behavior: hyperactivity, impulsivity, and concentration,” Sandy Newmark, M.D. explains.


In an article written by Richard Louv for Attitude Mag, he brought up the idea that, somehow, the ailment is caused by the lack of or the inability to commune with nature. True enough, children nowadays are more exposed to their gadgets and computer games, making them spend more time indoors. This has, in turn, deprived them of doing outdoor activities, like discovering what nature can bring them. In line with this, experts recommend that there should be limitations and adequate guidance imposed on children when it comes to digital technology and encouraging them to be the more outdoorsy type of kids who explore the wonders of nature.



There are many more alternative treatments for ADHD and these will be discussed fully in the upcoming articles. However, if you are looking for more information about alternative treatments online, there are several chat rooms dedicated to these topics (like 7cups or ), and you will be introduced to live chatters who can introduce you and help you decide on what treatments to try.

Once again, it is best to ask for your doctor’s professional opinion before you try anything.