Individuals struggling with ADHD already know the impact that it can have on the ability to function and make it through the day. You may be sitting around wondering what is wrong with you. You have spent more time trying to remember what you are supposed to be doing than what needs to be done. You feel like you have so many things to do that there is no way you will ever be able to focus on just one. Many individuals diagnosed with ADHD take medications. There are numerous things that you can do that can help without having to take pills. Here are some changes you can make that can help you have control of your life and assist you in functioning through your daily tasks. Your brain is wired differently. That is nothing to be ashamed of, but you do need to be aware of it and realize that it means you aren’t going to be able to function the same way non-ADHD individuals function.
Meds or No Meds
You should seriously consider the option of taking medication. Stimulants have been proven to have a calming effect on individuals who struggle with ADHD. There are side effects associated with ADHD medications, and you should speak with the doctor before taking medications. “The side effects of stimulants include decreased appetite, sleep problems, stomachache, headaches, anger, irritability, and tics,” Margarita Tartakovsky, M.S. wrote. Make sure that you realize medication is not the only option and it is not a cure. Medications can assist in eliminating some of the symptoms of ADHD and help you feel calmer and more focused, but there is no “fix” for ADHD.

Behavior therapy is seriously making its mark in today’s world. “This form of therapy seeks to identify and help change potentially self-destructive or unhealthy behaviors,” Timothy J. Legg, PhD says. It has become one of the leading interventions for those with ADHD. If you want to try and avoid taking medications, you should seriously consider behavioral therapy. It will help you learn ways that you can change your behavior and overcome many of the obstacles that you face every day. Many individuals utilize therapy and medication together and can reduce the number of medications that they take every day and are able to function.
Adult ADHD can quickly lead to other mental health conditions, such as anxiety and depression. Many individuals who struggle with ADHD find themselves feeling isolated rather quickly. If you are in a relationship with anyone that you value (friends and family included), you want to make sure that they understand ADHD and what it entails for you. Adults with ADHD have a harder time maintaining relationships. You can go to therapy or counseling to address strategies on how to maintain important relationships. Relationships are important to keep us going and prevent isolation in adulthood.

It’s not unusual for individuals with ADHD to struggle with feeling like they’re scattering. In a world where there are always multiple tasks to accomplish in one day, adults with ADHD may quickly find themselves forgetting important tasks and running late for appointments. Keeping a calendar and setting reminders on your phone can help keep you organized. It’s also important to remember that organizing your surroundings can help you remain focused and feel more in control. When you are surrounded by clutter and chaos, it can make your ADHD symptoms much worse.
Most individuals with adult ADHD struggle to remain focused. People with ADHD are often labeled as having a short attention span. The truth is that it’s too much attention that is the problem. “For many ADHDers, making a decision and sticking to it is extra difficult. Distraction gets in the way: You decide to do one task, but another comes along and distracts you,” Benjamin Cheyette, M.D., and Sarah Cheyette, M.D. wrote. If there are a lot of distractions around, individuals with ADHD find themselves paying attention to everything but what they should be paying attention to. Minimizing distractions can assist in minimizing ADHD symptoms. If you have something important that you need to get done, make sure that you remove anything that will distract you. This includes putting your phone away. Seriously, the notifications are going to distract you from your work because you’re not going to be able to keep from looking at them.
It is a known fact that children with ADHD exhibit impulsive behavior. Adults with ADHD also exhibit impulsive behavior. Not only do adults with ADHD struggle with acting impulsively, but they also struggle with speaking before thinking. This means that you really need to train yourself to take a moment to reflect on a situation before you speak. Just because you say you are going to do this doesn’t mean that it is going to happen right away. It takes practice to slow your thoughts and think before you speak.