Many individuals with ADHD can find getting organized a challenge. Patients with ADHD are unable to efficiently use and process norepinephrine and dopamine. These two have an impact on the “frontal cortex, which gives us the ability to plan and organize while focusing on and identifying internal and external stimuli,” explained Samoon Ahmad, MD.
That said, they “often struggle with a cluster of cognitive skills called executive functioning. Executive functioning includes behaviors such as time management, initiating tasks, organization, prioritizing, and follow-through,” wrote Scott Shapiro, MD.
However, it is critical to managing ADHD. When you can organize your life and your surroundings, you may quickly find that your thoughts become more organized as well. The organization is a key step in managing ADHD and is a process typically worked on through behavioral therapy. However, getting organized is much harder than it sounds for those who struggle with ADHD. Here are some tips and tricks to help you organize your life.
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