ADHD, or Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, can push through symptoms that can pose a lot of challenges. In fact, kids with ADHD can be demanding and taxing to parents.
According to clinical and school psychologist George Kapakla, Ph.D, who is also the author of the book “Parenting Your Out-of-control Child: An Effective, Easy-to-use Program for Teaching Self-control,” and two other books, kids with ADHD have the tendency to lose track of things. So, here are some practical tips for parents with ADHD kids:

1. Always remain calm.
One of the most important things in dealing with ADHD child is to remain calm. A child’s anger can escalate if the parent loses control. What can help instead would be understanding, silence, positive expectancy, and loving touch which can be done by parents who are helping the kids with their tasks.
2. Control your behavior.
Limiting your own behavior means that you allow your child to do more. Support is important, but make sure not to take the lead in accomplishing their tasks.
3. Organize a pressure-free structure.
Use structure for simple tasks, which can help reduce your child’s distractibility and disorganization. You can use star charts, planners, and calendars. Make sensible and clear rules and routines to enforce structure.

4. Let them make their own choices.
Parents who allow their kids to make wise choices are teaching them self-control. Use a technique called structured choice for this task.
Structured choice intervention, as defined by Kate Tygielski Chazin, M. Ed., Jennifer Ledford, Ph.D, and colleagues, is the process of offering children “choices for engaging in appropriate activities on the playground.” For instance, you may allow them to choose between playing with a ball or going down the slide.
5. When rules are broken, there must be a consequence.
Help kids to learn the importance of commitments by providing consequences if rules are broken. Parents can use negative consequences for negative behaviors and enforce positive consequences for positive behaviors.
6. Don’t make it personal when rules are broken.
It is only expected for kids to break the rules. The most important thing to do is to correct kids when they do so. However, correction must not be done angrily or ill-heartedly. Correcting a child’s behavior “is best done in a way that’s encouraging and supportive rather than punishing,” says D’Arcy Lyness, PhD.

7. Encourage your child.
There are several accommodations you have to take into consideration for your child who has ADHD. Despite these accommodations though, make sure to continuously encourage your child and the cultivation of his/her abilities.
8. Headstrong children need guidance.
Children are bound to talk back and protest. Simply make sure to enforce reasonable rules and standards to set a limit on it.
9. Understand that your child is not doing this intentionally.
Always keep in mind that your child is misbehaving not because he/she wants to misbehave but because he/she seeks something.
10. Be persistent.
If a technique does not work for your child, try other ones and keep on trying until you succeed.
11. Take it one issue at a time.
Prioritize issues that are more critical and tick them off one by one.

12. Learn more about ADHD.
Knowledge is power, and learning as much as you can about ADHD helps you handle and support your child better.
13. Assist your child when there is a change.
Set-shifting comes difficult for children with ADHD. Make sure to give your child the time and space for adjustments.
14. Build on your kid’s potential.
A child with ADHD has a mind that “works differently.” Nevertheless, George DuPaul, Ph.D explains that the child “certainly has the ability to learn and succeed just like any other child.” With this in mind, hone your child’s strength and empower him/her by focusing on these strengths.

15. Relax and be kind to yourself.
Raising a child with ADHD is challenging. Acknowledge your own hard work by giving yourself some slack.
16. Have fun being a parent and bond with your ADHD child.
While it may be frustrating and challenging to raise a child with ADHD, make sure to enjoy being a parent at the same time. Make sure to remember the wonders of being a parent.
And when everything may seem to overwhelm you, you can always turn to stranger chat sessions though it might be useful to read this first: https://www.betterhelp.com/advice/chat/theres-no-harm-in-an-online-chat-with-strangers-or-is-there/ for support. They also have certified counselors and therapists who understand what you are going through. The site can provide you of in-depth information when it comes to handling your child with ADHD.