Misty has tried all possible alterna
Misty has tried all possible alternative treatments for ADHD, and so far, yoga has been doing her good. “It clears my mind, and I feel calm after doing different poses that my yoga instructor has been helping me with.” Her weekly yoga routines started when she felt an overwhelming depression that affected her daily activities. As if experiencing the symptoms of ADHD is not enough, having bouts of depression is a real struggle for Misty.
This article will present five basic poses that can help with depression and anxiety problems. If you have been suffering from depression lately and want to try out yoga for the first time, this can give you some information pertaining to the benefits of yoga.
ADHD and Depression
Let us first discuss a little bit about ADHD and depression. As you can see, ADHD is much more characterized by the inability to focus, hyperactivity, and failure to retain memory. Persons with ADHD sometimes can have depression developed along in their lifetime. Experts believe that this results from a multitude of factors and not only by a single entity. There would be an imbalance in the availability of neurotransmitters that are responsible for the regulation of mood and feelings or the detrimental effects of social factors like loss of job, ruined relationships, and even addiction. “Disorders of ADHD along with many of the other labels need to be couched in relationship to anxiety and depression accompanying them because they are the major players to overcome,” Frank Lawlis, Ph.D., says. No matter what the cause, having two psychological conditions can really take a high toll on the person to continue living.

Yoga is now considered an alternative treatment for almost any medical or mental health condition. It has been formalized by many medical specialists and guarantees its tremendous benefits to the mind, body, and spirit. Victoria L. Dunckley, M.D. mentions that “more recent studies are also finding that exercise improves a whole host of neurological processes associated with attention, memory, and behavior.”
There are at least 84 basic yoga poses that you can try, and each has an impact on certain medical conditions.James Lake, MD cites a study wherein, “Children who continued on stimulants while practicing yoga experienced the greatest improvements.” Below are the five most common poses that can help with depression:
- Adho Mukha Svanasana (Downward-Facing Dog Pose) – it energizes the body and relieves anxiety attacks
- Paschimottanasana (a) to Halasana (b) (Seated Forward Bend to Plow Pose) – brings relief from despondency or anxiety, energizes your whole body, and makes you feel more alive.
- Prasarita Padottanasana (Wide-Angle Standing Forward Bend – calms jittery nerves and combats fatigue.
- Dwi Pada Viparita Dandasana (Two-Legged Inverted Staff Pose) – opens the chest, lifts the spirits, and invigorates the body.
- Urdhva Dhanurasana (Upward-Facing Bow Pose) – improves circulation, stimulates the nervous system, and generates a feeling of well-being.
(Adapted from Yoga Journal)

Some Important Reminders
Since yoga entails bending, body twisting, long-standing and seating, and challenging positions, don’t try to perform the positions on your own or without the guidance of a certified yoga instructor. Do not do this sequence if you have neck problems, high blood pressure, or heart problems; if you are menstruating or pregnant; or if you have diarrhea or feel nauseated.
Another critical issue is to make sure that you continue your sessions with your therapist. It is a bonus to be practicing yoga because of its positive effects. Psychotherapy and consultations with a mental health professional are still considered the primary treatment to manage ADHD and depression.