Upon knowing that your child has Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), parents may feel an overwhelming sense of helplessness and frustration. “Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) involves a biological (usually genetic) set of traits that interfere with executive functioning (including self-regulation) found in roughly 8% of boys, 3% of girls, 5% of men, and 2% of women,” wrote Michael Karson, PhD, JD.
Parents might nitpick about pregnancy and their child’s habits, diet, and activities just to analyze which part they did wrong. It is extremely futile to traverse this route because the exact cause of the disorder is still unknown.
Stephen Hinshaw, PhD, said, “I believe that ADHD is a real condition, but it’s on a spectrum, just the way that high blood pressure and autism are. It’s always a bit arbitrary as to who is actually above the cut and who is below because we don’t know exactly where the cut is.”
Science can only cite risk factors that may cause the incidence of ADHD. Examples of these are maternal consumption of alcohol, cigarettes, and other drugs during pregnancy, although many parents believe that high sugar and food additives consumption may cause hyperactivity symptoms. No definite research shows linked to food consumption and ADHD. It is best for parents to read and learn as much as they can about ADHD. Seek experts, teachers, and resource persons in order to arm yourselves with the right techniques to provide what is best for the child despite living with ADHD.
‘The problem with an ADHD diagnosis is that it’s a catchall for lots of things. It’s hyperactivity, it’s the focus, executive function, and the like, but usually, the best treatment is to also consider involving the family and teachers in behavioral strategies to help improve focus and to have everyone lined up to deal with this,” said Richard Scheffler, PhD.
Since children with ADHD generally have insufficiency in terms of executive function, like the capability to think and foresight, organize, control impulses, and complete tasks, parents should initially fill these and slowly train and guide their child to develop their own executive skills.

The child with ADHD
Handling the symptoms of ADHD is quite tiring, but it would be beneficial to remember that these children are not acting out these symptoms to annoy and be a burden to their parents, teachers, and peers. They also want to sit quietly, they would prefer to clean and organize their room. They want to follow directions and instructions, but they simply don’t know how. Ironically, ADHD is also frustrating to a child with ADHD. They also manifest aggressive emotions and behaviors that they cannot control.
Having a child with ADHD will mean changes in the family dynamic. It is important to understand the impact of the child’s symptoms on the family as a whole. Children with ADHD display behaviors that can disrupt family life. These include the following:
- They don’t understand instructions, so they don’t obey them
- Difficult to wind them down to sleep and to stay asleep
- Always interrupt conversations, demand attention at inappropriate times, speaking tactlessly, and suddenly blurt embarrassing things
- Disorganized and easily distracted, always keeping other family members waiting
- Initiate projects but unable to finish them- can’t clean after their trash
Effects on siblings
Due to these behaviors of an ADHD child, the siblings of a child with ADHD will have to overcome certain challenges, like
- Siblings may find their love for their sibling with ADHD mixed with resentment and jealousy.
- Often, they may be enlisted as temporary guardians/assistant parents and may be blamed when the sibling misbehaves under their supervision.
- Their needs often take a back seat than that of their sibling with ADHD
- They may be reprimanded more sharply when wrong, and their achievements may be less celebrated or taken for granted.

What parents can do
Parents must master compassion and consistency in order to conquer the challenges of raising a child with ADHD. According to experts, these parenting tips can be a guide to ease the burden.
- Stay positive and stay healthy
- Establish structure and stick to these boundaries
- Set clear expectations and rules
- Encourage movement and sleep
- Aid your child to eat right
- Teach your child to build friendship